Did you know that researchers have found that it takes an average of 66 days to form a habit? So as we think about how we develop Holy Habits in Church and in our walk with Jesus, perhaps we can appreciate that these are things that take a little time to bed down. We need to keep practising the habits we read about in Acts 2: 42 until they form part of our daily and weekly routine. So let’s keep at it!
Martin, Alan and Ann are leading our worship today, and are concentrating on the description of the first Christians who devoted themselves to ‘the breaking of bread together’. Sometimes we call it ‘Communion’, or ‘Eucharist’, or ‘The Lord’s Supper’, but what does it mean when we break bread together? And how does it change us when we participate?
Everyone is welcome at Wooler URC as we journey together.
Wooler URC Livestream – Sunday 21 January 2024