
Safeguarding is central to the ministry of both Wooler URC and the whole United Reformed Church.
At Wooler URC  our safeguarding policy, (a copy of which is displayed in the church foyer and also available via the link below) outlines the measures the church takes to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all who come to church and in particular, children and young people and vulnerable adults..
Our safeguarding policy is designed to ensure that we provide a  safe and secure environment for everyone involved at Wooler URC.
All Elders have a responsibility for safeguarding. Here are the key safeguarding contacts for our church if you need to get in touch:
Safeguarding Coordinator:  Ann Tunnard 07784 890407   Email:
Deputy Safeguarding Coordinator: Patrick Sheard  07773 593345   Email:
Northern Synod Safeguarding Officer:  Helen Berg. 07432 886153   Email:
You can view the Wooler URC Safeguarding Policy here: Wooler URC Safeguarding Policy July 2024