On the first Sunday of every month from 7pm to 8.30pm, a group gathers in the back room of The Anchor Inn in Cheviot Street, courtesy of Geoff and Chris, […]
Men’s Coffee Connect in the Warm Hub
On the first Wednesday of every month, a group of men gather for coffee, cake and conversation in the Warm Hub. It’s a great opportunity for some male bonding, and […]
Ecumenical Bible Study in the Warm Hub
Every Thursday at 10.30am we gather to study the Bible together and apply it to our daily living. There’s plenty of time for discussion and lots of opportunity to hear […]
The Afternoon Film Show at the Warm Hub
Every Wednesday afternoon we show a film on the big screen in our Warm Hub. The movies vary: some are old favourites that make for a great afternoon’s entertainment, some […]
Warm Welcome at the Warm Hub
From October to March our Warm Hub is open from 11am to 1.30pm for hot drinks and soup lunches. Our Warm Welcome sessions are open to everyone and are staffed […]
Morning Prayers at Wooler URC
Every weekday morning at 9.30am we gather on Zoom to pray together for 15 minutes or so. Our prayers take the form of a liturgy that changes each week, plus […]